Virginia-based Personic Healthcare hassuccessfully completed its acquisition of American Wound Care, a Tennesseebased company providing advanced, expert, and mobile wound care to patients inthe State. ATLAW represented Personic Healthcare in all aspects of the deal.The ATLAW team was led by Principal Attorney Jalal Moughania, and includedCorporate Associate Attorney Ramy Karnib as well as Senior Healthcare Attorney JuanSantos from the Chapman Law Group.
Established in 2020, Personic Healthcare hasevolved into a cutting-edge healthcare organization devoted to providingpatients with high-quality, practical care nationwide.
Personic recently acquired another largewound care facility out of Florida, WoundMD, earlier this year. Personic’s acquisition of American Wound Care representsa significant development in Personic’s aggressive acquisition-based growthstrategy nationwide, with the assistance of ATLAW.
The acquisition of American Wound Care isanticipated to increase Personic’s already considerable national position inthis field by expanding its national advanced wound care service model intoTennessee. Personic’s strategic goal is to dominate the healthcare sectorthrough service expansion and innovating healthcare delivery models that leadto better health outcomes for their patients.
The acquisition of American Wound Care byPersonic Healthcare builds on the connection between American Wound Care’ssuccess in Tennessee and Personic’s strong position nationally in the woundcare industry. The agreement is anticipated to open up new possibilities toultimately help more patients and increase access to high-quality, practicalhealthcare.
ATLAW is honored to serve PersonicHealthcare in this deal and in its continued growth as a leading healthcareorganization throughout the country.